Global Chemical Company Standardizes RCA Across 40 Sites with Baker Hughes

Global Chemical Company Standardizes RCA Across 40 Sites with Baker Hughes

A global chemical company has standardized root cause analysis (RCA) across 40 sites with Baker Hughes. The company implemented Baker Hughes' Bently Nevada Asset Reliability System (ARS) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its RCA process.

ARS is a comprehensive RCA software solution that helps companies identify and address the root causes of asset failures. It provides a structured approach to RCA, with tools and workflows that guide users through the process step-by-step.

The company has seen a number of benefits from standardizing RCA with ARS, including:

  • Increased efficiency: ARS has helped the company to reduce the time it takes to complete RCA investigations. This is due to the software's structured approach and its ability to automate many tasks.
  • Improved effectiveness: ARS has helped the company to improve the quality of its RCA investigations. This is due to the software's comprehensive set of tools and workflows.
  • Reduced asset failures: By identifying and addressing the root causes of asset failures, ARS has helped the company to reduce the number of failures that occur. This has led to significant cost savings.

In addition to the above benefits, the company has also seen a number of other positive outcomes from standardizing RCA with ARS, including:

  • Improved communication and collaboration: ARS has helped the company to improve communication and collaboration between its sites. This is due to the software's central repository of RCA data and its ability to generate reports that can be shared across the company.
  • Increased knowledge sharing: ARS has helped the company to increase knowledge sharing across its sites. This is due to the software's central repository of RCA data and its ability to generate reports that can be used to learn from past mistakes.
  • Enhanced safety: By identifying and addressing the root causes of asset failures, ARS has helped the company to improve safety. This is because fewer asset failures means fewer opportunities for accidents to occur.

Overall, the company's decision to standardize RCA with Baker Hughes' ARS has been a success. The company has seen a number of benefits from the software, including increased efficiency, improved effectiveness, reduced asset failures, improved communication and collaboration, increased knowledge sharing, and enhanced safety.

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