Hitachi Group in Europe is a renowned global technology and engineering conglomerate. Hitachi Drives & Automation caters to a diverse spectrum of needs, serving both OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and System Integrators. Their components and software solutions are versatile, suitable for a wide array of applications, and designed for top-notch performance and user-friendliness.
Hitachi's Automation Products are dedicated to assisting customers in meeting their technical requirements, optimizing production, and accelerating manufacturing processes. They play a pivotal role in helping customers embrace Industry 4.0 applications, providing secure and intelligent components that ensure future-proof operations. Hitachi Automation is committed to manufacturing sustainable and environmentally conscious products and solutions, tailored to the specific needs of integrated automation in various industries. Hitachi is at the forefront of IoT applications and solutions.
Founded in Japan in 1910, Hitachi has evolved into a globally recognized and highly respected industrial brand. Their presence spans a wide range of market segments, encompassing materials, construction machinery, industrial components, medical equipment, and IT solutions.